FAmily Worship


Sunday Morning Prayer - 9:00AM | Sunday Worship - 10:30AM | "Grow" Midweek Bible Studies - 6:30PM

Message from Pastor Ray

Suggested Family Worship Flow

Prayer: Focus on praising the Lord for who He is and thank Him for all He had done

Music: Sing along to the 2 suggested praise songs

Message: Watch the weekly message

Conversation: Talk through the provided questions

Prayer: Close time by praying for one another


Family Worship Devotion - May 6-May 11


In what area of your life are you finding it difficult to trust God?

How would you best describe the Sovereignty of God?

Why do we find it so difficult to trust that God has power and authority over all things?

How was God active in your salvation, how did He draw you to Christ?

How active are you in these means of grace – Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, Serving, and Partaking in the Lord’s supper?